Thursday, December 12, 2013

What Day Comes After Friday?

A screenshot from the new music video.
Many remember Rebecca Black's song Friday very well from when it went viral almost 3 years ago. While it was annoying to almost everyone who had the displeasure of hearing it, including Rebecca Black herself, as she so recently stated in one of her newest videos, she has now released a sort of parody to her original song. Titled Saturday, the song is very similar to the style of Friday. Like many songs in modern pop-culture, it is themed with non-stop partying during the weekend, although it is a bit catchier and definitely less painful to listen to. The music video and song starts with many references to Friday, making a clear connection that this is a continuation of her original song. This song is not a bad song. Actually, it is indirectly genius. Throughout, Saturday consistently makes fun of Rebecca's song, Friday, which was her first professionally released song. Apparently Rebecca decided that it would be easier to not fight the current that was her image as in artist rather that avoid it any longer. In fact, since the release of this song, many have gained a new perspective on Rebecca's music and she is beginning to be viewed as more of a respected and professional artist. Now it seems everyone wants to ask, 'When do we get a
song about Sunday?'

One of the many references in the new song, Saturday. The
words fun are repeated over and over in Friday.